第167章 逼逼叨叨(5/6)
to holy god, holy power, holy deathless, and rciful to glory to the father, the n, and the holy spirit, now and forever, throughout the as a(国译:圣哉上帝,圣哉勇力,圣哉无死,矜怜我等。圣哉上帝,圣哉勇力,圣哉无死,矜怜我等。圣哉上帝,圣哉勇力,圣哉无死,矜怜我等。荣归与父,及子,及圣灵,今而恒久,及于万世。阿民。)”
“(英语)guide through the power of god: god"s dive ura supports , god"s wisdo guides , god"s holy eye looks at , god"s holy tellince listens to , god"s holy word teaches , god"s holy hand protects , god"s right way unfolds before , and god"s shield aror shields ,(国译:藉上帝之力导我:上帝之神勇扶持我,上帝之智慧引领我,上帝之圣目观照我,上帝之圣聪俯听我,上帝之圣言训诲我,上帝之圣手护佑我,上帝之正途展于我前,上帝之盾甲为我庇荫。)”
“(英语)the ary of god keeps safe: destroy the snare of all evil, eliate the teptation of all evil, subdue the desire of our own nature, and the pern who curses our illness, either far or near, or one or all of , and pray to be subdued(国译:上帝之军旅保我安泰:毁坏诸魔之罗网,灭除诸恶之诱感,调伏自性之意欲,及彼诅魇我病者,彼或遐或迩,或一或众