第260章 shadow of the sun(5/6)
nd” 再次重复,加深了那种神秘与坚守的情感。
“i" the shadow of the shadow of the sun,”
“where i belong there"s thg g on ”
“i" the shadow of the shadow of the sun,”
“oh and i need you ”
“i" the shadow of the shadow of the sun,where i belong there"s thg g on” 她的声音充满了力量,在 “shadow of the shadow” 处,她运用了和声的技巧,让声音更加丰富饱满,仿佛在描绘自己身处黑暗却又充满希望的状态,而 “thg g on” 则唱出了对未来的期待与憧憬。
“i" the shadow of the shadow of the sun,oh and i need you” 赖多多的目光在台下的观众中寻找着,声音中带着一丝温柔与渴望,在 “oh and i need you” 时,她微微哽咽,将那种对陪伴和支持的需求毫无保留地展现出来,让观众们也为之动容。
“i" the shadow of the shadow of the sun,”
“where i belong, there"s thg g on ”
“no ore waitg, tis are changg,”
“and there"s thg g on”
这里“i" the shadow of