第19章 is of electre method family(2/4)
g atheatics to develop a practical decision-akg(d) syste, now known as electre it volves a systeatic analysis of the retionship beeen all possible pairgs of the different options, based on each option"s sres on a set of on criteria of evaation the result is a asure of the degree to which each option outranks all others the thodology entails the nstruction of an outrankg retion, the neration of nrdance and disrdance dices (cdg the notion of retive iportance of each criterion) and an analysis of the results obtaed fro an overall evaation of all the outrankg retionships derived
“there are six a versions of electre-i, ii, iii, iv, tri and is……”
“不对,这段话有问题。我终于知道问题在哪了!我不能把还没面世的方法写进去。在高卢国的伯纳德·罗伊(bernard roy)最先发明的electre方法族的部分方法中,i是罗伊在60年代搞出来的,ii是1971-1973年出现的,iii是罗伊在1978年创造的,这三个倒是和我那边的历史一样。iv还没有出现,原计划是罗伊和于戈纳尔在两